This is Wall #1, the short wall...I already changed the clock area too! The Apple is gone and I hung up the Minute to Dismissal chart!!!
Wall #2 Really got a make over, the BEE rules are up, the plants/lamps and a new word wall too!
Closer to the front door I added the Pinterest idea from Miss. Nelson...
....and my work area got a little more "ME"! Please EXCUSE the mess, this was taken on the second day of school, when I 100% forgot any of the Clutter-Free ideas, I am back on track now!!!
Wall #3 got a whole new look this year!!!
I put up curtains, with the cutest bunting, plus all my books, except for the Chapter Books! Here is a closer look at the Bunting...thanks to School Girl Style....
Wall #4 is a really, really B-I-G wall.....
I put up my C A F E board and added the NEW Pinterest idea for "Good Listeners", the "1 Minute Dismissal Checklist has been moved to the clock wall!
My Calendar area is still under construction, but at least it is functional!
Here is a bigger view...the Bees on the wall will hang their writing!
Part of Wall #1 is a Math Facts area and the Front door....
The outside
From the inside looking out.....
In the Hallway, I have yet another Pinterest created idea, our display area!
My neighbor does the "Hollywood" theme..check out her display, Walk of Fame knock-off and all!
Did I mention, on the First Day of school, I made them these precious Lucky Charms bags....I LOVE Lucky Charms...YUMM-O
I feel so much better sharing my room with you!...hope you enjoyed it... Next blog will be about what is going on in the HIVE, until then bloggy friends, get some sleep! I am!!!

I was checking out pins for classroom decor ideas and just wanted to to you I like your take on the bee theme. It cute without being cutesy. Hope you're summer bummer (that's the blog post the pinner took me to) is not so bummer.