I loved it! (When she is gone I am going to steal this idea too!
I number my students, it makes grading and sorting so much easier...so this activity was easy to start because of the number system in place. There were 20 questions hung up around the room in order. Each child had a clipboard and a piece of paper and a pencil. They started at their number, (So Bill, #20 started at question 20) then they just kept rotating from question to question as they wrote down their answers. They had to show some work if it was applicable. My room has never been so quiet at Math Time...EVER! Usually they are moving from small groups to teacher group to tools...but not today, they were serious mathematicians!
Later that day we were in for a treat!
Our 5th grade Reading Buddies stopped in and we got right down to business! I showed them a rubric for listening to other's reading. I found it blog hopping this summer.
Then I told each 2nd grader to rate themselves, then to rate their 5th grade Buddy, as well as the 5th graders rating our 2nd graders! What fun! Next week I will give them questions for Before, During and After reading so they can practice with their Buddies.
A lot of good questioning skills were being tested!!!
I really enjoyed listening to her reading an informational text to her buddy!
I love how my girl has her hands on her mouth! She is involved!
And here another one of my girls is really engaged!
5th Grade Buddies are AWESOME!

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