"I'm on a self-imposed lock down...see you at 11:30" I even put paper over the big window on my door, so I wouldn't let my ADD kick in! (It's bad case too!) From 8:00 to 11:30 I:
* Rearranged ALL the furniture...yep I moved my desk, the fiction section of my library..20 kid desks..the small group table, the Favorite Author sections of my Library...all my Math Tools, my mail boxes and the rocking chair! ( I moved EVERYTHING)
Math Tools were moved and desk room was created!
I moved the picture books to hide the computers,
Here's a better picture of the Cafe corner and new tool area!
The front of the room got a new look too!
*Took down two bulletin boards and made two new ones.
*Took MORE things off the wall and rearranged a few things on the walls.(Thank you Mr. Fire Marshall, Sir!)
*Set the room up for Tuesday's Guest Teacher, as I am going to a Common Core Workshop and can't even be there to see my kids reaction to the NEW Bee Hive!
*Used an Idea from Farley and wrote on their desks with dry erase pens...things like "I'm counting on you....Happy birthday, be good!...Listen up and be a leader....finish all your work today!...I miss you...(Love notes to all 20 kids)
*Only talked to 5 people all day!
Then from 11:30........
*Went to the office, the principal bent my ear a bit...discussed ideas of how to implement the Common Core....ate lunch at my desk and caught up on e-mail....dusted...talked to my neighbor, as she too will have a sub on Tuesday....realized it was 1:30, remembered I needed to make SUB plans then...
* Stayed until 5 pm, because I could not find my Jump drive...went crazy from 2 to 5 looking for it at school. (I went home at 1 to search there.) I had to RE-write sub plans and almost had a melt down. BUT I had to get it all done so I marched on.
*Got home at 5:03 and voila, there is was on the bottom of my 'Birthday bag' near the front door....relief , and texts went out to all those I freaked out on!
All in all it was the MOST productive work day ever! Once I got home I just finished up my lesson plans for the following week, I even made a new template to go with my new ideas to incorporate more time for small groups (in math, reading, WRITING(I found 20 minutes) and Science/Social Studies) trying to get that 25% in as often as I can!
The weekend was just as busy as the work day! My son had his last Cub Scout Camp Out...he is now officially a Boy Scout! He:
*climbed a 60 foot tower
*scaled a 50 foot rock wall
* learned to rope, ride, pan for gold, 'shoot' at a target, slide a root beer mug down a 5 foot counter top and...
I am a proud Mom!

Your room looks great! As a fellow CAFE nut, your meeting place looks so fun and inviting. I love your huge easel! Where did you find it and how much?
Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
DeleteI inherited the easel!...but if I had to guess where they bought it..I'd say either Classroom Direct OR Miller's School Supply....I will check for you, I bet it was around $250, it comes with 4 tubs to hold your stuff on the bottom and nice storage for Big Books in the middle!
I love using CAFE, it keeps me organized!
Hi Natalie, Sounds like you were PRODUCTIVE! I am so glad I finally got to meet you on Tuesday. After I left I thought we should have taken a picture:) Your room looks fabulous. I did the same thing over Christmas break. Want to hear more about Cafe.
The Resourceful Apple