The new year has started and so many new things going on, both at school and at home, not sure where I will end up in the end.
I have discovered Periscope this summer and totally love it! I actually made a Scope and NO ONE watched it live, which I am so glad, because I have no idea how to turn the camera around, so I would have NEVER even seen your comments! I am really enjoying watching the Whimsical Teacher, she really cracks me up. I also joined the Facebook group Teach Happy Friends by Sheila J. These two things have helped me stay a little more focused on the real point of my job.
I have come to realize that Facebook is the enemy of the Common Core...people just don't understand and because all change is bad, so is the Common Core. Well, mainly it's the Math portion of the CCSS that is taking the hit. Most parents and teachers don't get the point that all the CCSS is doing is breaking numbers down into small digestible bites, even if they don't need to be broken down that small. I don't break them down unless I fell they need to. 12-3 will always be 9, not broken into 12 is really 9 and 3, so therefore 3-3=0 and the answer is 9...because that is cray cray....if your are teaching it and it doesn't make sense to you, why confuse the kids? Teach it the right way, not just because the NEW series you are using says you must teach it like that! Don't do it! Teach it the way it makes sense, stop trying to be a martyr for the CCSS....okay I'm off that soap box....
How did I end up here? Okay, I love Periscope and the Happy vibes from new teacher friends and I am not digging the negative views on our new curriculum...and to tell you the truth this year so far has been uneventful, new Math curriculum, new computer programs, that are pointing us to what skill needs to be taught in order for achievement to happen... Now if only I could find the time to squeeze in a really good writing lesson? Always a challenge!
I am going to try to blog every day in October, and look I am already 4 days behind....I am suppose to pick ONE topic to blog about and write about it everyday, so my topic is...Things that are keeping me afloat this year! Tomorrow I will discuss Periscope as I know it! (If I remember to blog or have time.)

Natalie!! You ARE a great blogger!! Periscope and all the teacher communities has helped this school year get off to a great start for me, too!! I'm so glad you are doing this challenge and look forward to reading more of your blog posts!!