I joined "Teach Happy Friends" I HAD to!
On this web site I have made teacher friends, and gotten some daily dose of encouragement, plus some great tips and things to smile about.
Why do I need this you ask?....
Well,... I LOVE my career, it is my passion... I love my kiddos, they keep me young, I love my teacher BFF, she makes collaborating fun and valuable...however...I want to teach MORE. I want to teach BETTER. I want to teach WISELY. I need FRESH ideas. I need POSITIVE feedback. I need VALIDATION.
So today I joined Teach Happy Friends. At first I just "liked" and joined the group on Facebook, then I lurked in that space for a week, before I decided it was worth it to be INSPIRED on a daily basis.
It is nice to know that I am not alone on this journey. So many teachers are feeling my feelings, are just as frustrated with things like me, are trying to be happy when so many are unhappy. Together we can make it....SO if you too are dragging, lagging, "sadding", and negating...go visit Sheila J and her great idea...you won't be sorry!

Love SJ...and our idioms! That's what's getting me through!