I LOVE Teachers Pay Teachers...however my PayPal account does not! But that is another story for another day....
Here are my TOP, my FAVORITE TpT stores: (in no order, I just love a COUNTDOWN)
13. Jamie Rector...was my 2nd grade Writing Coach, but she never knew that! Thanks Jamie for
always being there with the "write" stuff!
12. Young Teacher Love...Kristine Nannini saved me from assessment hell. This girl has dedicated
her life to ELA assessment and classroom data organization! If you need help with that, go now
11. Amy Lemons ...I used to grab all her goodies, but then I got moved up to 3rd grade, she is a
Second Grade guru!
10. Head Over Heels for Teaching...Joanne Miller...are you looking for ELA stuff? she is your girl!
Joanne is Awesome and her stuff is 3rd grade and higher...(some 2nd too)
9. Deb Hanson...WOW and oh boy...she is G O O D...PowerPoints and reproducibles that match the
PP's and games plus tons of "Craftivities" equals one of the masters...she is upper elementary for
8. Ashleigh's Education Journey...Ashleigh is heaven sent...she has writing, math , reading..she is the
SCOOT/Task Card master and her assessments are perfect!!! She is 3rd grade and higher , but has
some lower elementary stuff too!
7. Bunting, Books ad Bright Ideas....Christina Bainbridge is my teacher crush..OMG this woman! I
used to read her class webpage and steal ideas, then found her again on her blog which steered
me to TPT...she has it all! For all of Elementary!
6. Mariela Santillana...I L O V E Mariela, plus I used to work with her! She is my TPT HERO! she
does a lot of 3rd-5th grade Math and "Wonders" series stuff...she is fantastic and easy to follow
along! I love all her creations!
5. Sunny Days....Denise is another one who I used to stalk her class web page, then her blog and then
again on TPT...she is a Florida Girl, like me, so I LOVE her stuff...she is mainly a 2nd grade
supplier! Check her out, you will love her creativity!
4. Science Penguin...Ari has the BEST stuff around! Her Weekly Science Centers have kept me in
the clear for YEARS!!! Thanks girl, if you haven't seen her stuff, download all the FREEBIE
stuff first so you know what to do!
3. Teacher's Clubhouse.....Amanda Madden is one of my all time favorites! She is mainly lower
elementary, but I find myself adapting her stuff in my 3rd grade curriculum! She is great! I am
not sure but I think she used to have a partner in the Clubhouse, Jessica Winston, but I don't
know if she is still in it? I adore Amanda's blog and her creations are just what you need to keep
you on track!
2. The Third Wheel...ah Mrs. D...you are one of my newer TpT follows. She is exactly what I need in
3rd grade. Her stuff is CLEAR, and CUTE, plus it is easy to integrate right into what you
wanted to do! Thank you for showing up in my life!
1. Blair Turner.... My MATH guru, what would I do without you??? this woman has kept me alive in Math for the past 3 years! She is all about the Math and interactive notebooks..I love Blair, I have a celebri-crush on this woman! (Tell her that!)

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