I am a lucky girl! For my birthday my Sweet Bees found me some really cute BEE items!
Yes, that IS the Chik-fil-a cow riding a BEE! Each month our school hosts a spirit night at the local CFA, we have won it EVERY month so far this year! Each month our class gets to keep the cow as a reminder we have SPIRIT!
......and now back to A.R!
The children at our school are encouraged to READ, and part of that encouragement we have bought into the A.R program. The kids read and take a 5 to 10 comprehension question test based on the book. they receive points for answering correctly. Our school has a point reward system too. They give out "dog tags" for 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 50, 75 and 100 points. The children wear these tags around on a chain as a badge of pride. To many, it is fun, but for some they just don't get the "dog tags" or they just don't like the idea of more tests. For this issue, my AWESOME TN (teacher neighbor) and I decided to give AR parties to reward kids for their points too. But alas another problem, not many kids were attending these parties, (Dance parties, doughnut parties...) getting points wasn't a great motivator so...my TN found yet another GREAT idea on TpT...and here it is....
We both figured out that it really isn't fun to be left out, so instead EVERYONE can come to the AR party, but you come with different levels of fun! You have to earn your way to more fun. So you still get your point "dog tag" AND for 2 points you can come to the ICE CREAM party with a spoon, 5 points you get a bowl, 10 points ONE scoop of ice cream, 15 points = TWO scoops....you get the idea, the more points the more ice cream toppings, and FUN!
This little change to the system has changed the reading in our room, during the Daily 5 more kids are choosing read to self....
I even had to invent a job, the hostess/host of AR, here they take your number and call your name when a computer is available for you to take your test!
Reading is at an all time high right now, and my Sweet Bees are achieving their Reading Goals! As of yesterday every child in my class is coming to the next AR party with at least ONE scoop of ice cream! Can't wait to have the party...

Great motivator Natalie! I love that everyone gets to go to the party, and then they earn the extras. Hope all is well!
Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans
We also celebrated AR with a PIZZA PARTY - here in third grade it was 50points and higher ;) ;). You are going to have a blast with your kids next year!!