So here I sit and I am thinking that yesterday's blog was all about my career goals, not all about my personal goals or the goals for my kids at school.
I want to lose weight! Yes, I know EVERYBODY wants to lose weight...blah blah blah....but in the course of the past two years I have gained over 20 lbs. I lost about 10 lbs from August to December but I still feel the need to lose a good 15 lbs, and hopefully more! I am in "BMI land" considered overweight by at least 30 lbs. Here is how I hope to rectify this "situation" I am in:
1. Keep doing the 3-4 miles in the morning
2. Adding running up and down the stairs at work. I want to spend at least 30 minutes a day, at the end of the day, doing "Stadium steps"...that should be fun.
3. Continue following the "Skinny Rules" by Bob cheating especially with some Wine Wednesdays or Wine in general (that is going to be wine and no whine...but it is only until I lose that first 15 lbs.)
4. Start exercising on the weekends rides, late evening walks, yoga?
My birthday is coming up real soon, and my Sweet Man is planning on doing something fun...I just told him I am giving up wine/beer until I lose 15 lbs. He said I had better hurry up and lose it all in 3 weeks...I wonder if I can? I really want to quit sugar until the cruise in March. Yes my Sweet Man is spoiling me with another cruise this Spring Break!
Another goal for me in '16 is to get out of credit card debt! I am not in too deep, but last summer I went a little overboard and splurged on a few things I normally wouldn't here I am cash poor...I hate it! So I am going to focus on killing one debt at a time. Then use the $ from that bill to put on another bill, then once that is paid off on to another. (So pretend I owe $500 on one card...I pay $50 a month until it is paid off...then take that $50 and add it to the $50 I am paying on another card, so then I pay $100 a month on that card until it is gone, then add that $100 to another get the idea)
I am hoping that starting a real TPT store will help with paying off these bills quickly! I just need some good ideas, I have a few but am not sure exactly how to make them look...first I need to find some great clip art and good looking fonts...any ideas or perhaps you have a favorite font maker you want to brag about? Who is on your top Clip Art maker? Any fun suggestions are much appreciated!

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