I have been passionate about the Daily 5 in my room for over 7 years now...I love it! (To tell you the truth some days I get frustrated with it too!) I feel like it is a part of how things work in our classroom. the kids really embraced it this year.... I think...we had to tweak a few things, some of the kids were really practicing their "Kindergarten" skills at first, only looking for easy words in Making Words, or Code Spelling, read to self was a Clifford fest, Read to Someone was too loud and really a way to catch up on how things are going on "Ant Farm'...We had to have a 'family meeting' to set the tone straight on THAT!!!
Recently the kids have come to a realization that 3rd grade IS around the corner...or maybe because I have really been implementing the Common Core 'hard core' these past few weeks, with explicit TEXT based questioning and working in pairs to get to the 'meat' of the story...and with this a nice CHANGE has occurred.
The kids are REALLY working hard at being the other teacher in the room, helping each other out...studying, jumping ahead with the spelling lists, reading and asking each other the 5 Q's with out ME telling them they need to...maybe it's the FuLL MooN on the horizon or maybe it's actually WORKING, but here is way the kids are doing it these days.... (of course..the day I take pictures they are all about Word Work and Reading to Someone)
Here they are putting spelling words in ABC order, these are next week's words...
We usually play 'Hang Mouse' on the Projector, but these girls are inventing their own version of 'Hang Mouse'
An oldie but a goodie, Listening to Reading...WOW he's following along!
Making Words using Rattled, this is a great two player game...but I see he wants to be independent today! Notice he is making 2-letter, 3-letter then 4-letter words BEFORE he gets frustrated and just finds 3-letter words or changes the letters around!
Practice Spelling Test! (That is NOT me in the Rocking Chair)
I was shocked to see this duo actually using Fluency Task cards to 'Read to Someone'
Another duo using Questioning Task cards for 'Read to Someone'
She was riveted by her fluency, you should have seen the way she laughed at 'that Junie B'
My spelling/Vocabulary words are near the floor, so everyone can access them easily!
What are you working on today? Yes he was!

I love seeing how Daily 5 looks in other classrooms! I am a first year 2nd grade teacher and I started the Daily 5 back in August. I was the only one doing it at my school for a while, but since then...quite a few teachers have jumped on board! My kids love it.. although I do agree at times I just want them to be whipped back into shape. I look forward to reading more on your blog!
That's So Second Grade