I had a very exciting day today!
It has been raining here since Friday, and it's not going to stop until...well I guess until "Debbie" moves on!
Besides driving in the middle of tropical storm bands, (very exhilarating)...this year I have decided to become a Girls On The Run coach. I teamed up with another teacher and we decided to 'job share' the Head Coach role.We spent a very rainy afternoon at the G.O.T.R office. We met some very excited new coaches and the two very enthusiastic program leaders.
I can't wait to start the year out with this extra 'hat'. I teach second grade and G.O.T.R is a character building program with a running component made for 3rd-5th graders. So you can see how exciting this is for me, I get to be with some of my girls again!!!
I just had to share....

How could I forget to include this........
Please go and check out what Girls On The Run is all about!
LOVE this! I have been a coach with GOTR for the past two years, and will be again next year! You will LOVE it! :)
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Thanks Lisa! I am very excited....I'll have to post pictures once we get going!