I believe I am the WORST blogger E V E R!
SO much has happened to me since my last blog post. I moved, again! This time I am staying right here! Where am I, you may ask...I'm in South Dakota. Promise this is it!
I left Las Vegas in July of 2020, you can guess why...but you might be wrong. Was it because of the pandemic, maybe a little, however not really. My son went away to college, and my boyfriend moved 1,500 miles away. I was good with all of this! Then after the "shut down" my BF asked me to move to South Dakota...I had a lot of thinking to do...should I go? Will there even be jobs in the middle of a World Wide Shut Down?
Surprisingly Y E S... I moved 1,500 miles to a super small town, so I could drive 100 miles a day to a bigger town to teach...4th GRADE! (If you know me then you know this is TERRIFYING)
Remarkably 4th grade was the B O M B! Why was I so afraid of the "big kids"? I LOVED every minute of it! Perhaps it was that I got to teach Face to Face, unlike my Las Vegas friends. Perhaps it was the small town feel and supportive parents...maybe that 50 mile one way with ZERO traffic was the key? (it took me the same amount of time to travel to this school, than it did to travel the 22 miles in Las Vegas) I learned so much, had a great group of kids and my administration was EXCELLENT! As you can guess, I am switching schools this year.
BUT...why you ask...I decided to get closer to home and not risk hitting a deer. Oh plus I can sleep in or get up to walk, like I used to. This, as many of you know, was my first year to drive in the snow. All the locals kept telling me this was a really mild winter. (ok, as I white knuckled drove in a blowing snow covered highway for a few months) I changed schools because I finally get to be "out" of the classroom and will save $2000 in gas money on my high profile SUV with the 4 wheel drive and all the safety whistles! I am going to be the Title One Resource teacher and ESL coordinator for this school (District), the school is so small that they house PK-12 all in one building. (350 kids or so)
So now I can help the kids that need that extra boost in Reading and Math. I can make sure those ESL kids don't fall in the crack....it's truly my "DREAM JOB"
If you are really reading this, can you do me a favor and leave me a comment...just a quick "Hi" Let me know what you think of my crazy life...read all the post before if you are new around here...my journey starts in Florida!
Much Love,

I love all the pictures you share! Have a great year and enjoy your new position!