Many of you know I am currently beginning my Master's in Education. My very first class had me making a 10 day unit. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone and actually use this unit in my real life. Many of my fellow students were posting (it's an on-line degree program) about their 10 day instructional unit on chemical reactions, the Pythagorean theory or phonemic awareness. Not this girl, nope, really no academics involved!(Well, sort of) I did mine on the beginning of school. How to be a good student! How to be a friend! How to be a role model! (you get the idea)
I wanted to really focus on creating a calm classroom environment. A place where the children can come and learn and get to work. I wanted them to know that school can be a fun place, a safe place and above all a place to take risks without fear of being ridiculed. We made all the Anchor charts I pinned on Pinterest, we read all the books about anti-bullying, we made friends for life, these past first two weeks of school! I made sure my 10 day instructional unit for my Grad school included lots of technology and hands-on activities that 2nd graders love! I hope I get an A on my unit, because it has done wonders in my classroom. I feel that this year my class has already 'gelled' into a great group. They are so polite, and very work conscious. Can't wait to start my next class in my Master's Program. It's on writing within the reading block!(AS if!)
So here is a tiny peek into the first few weeks of school,
We started with a Craftivity! |
As you can see they had to trace a bug body. I made sure their bugs were of the BEE persuasion!
This was the second week of school. I am impressed with their cutting skills! |
They really took their time.
For this project they had to create a BEE and address what others do that really BUGS them!
I did a quick model of what bugs me...
Not sure if you can read my list! I have a few issues! |
Then they really got creative and wrote out a few of their issues....
Love the part when I give too much homework, the funny is that at this point I hadn't given out ANY homework!
You have to know who she sits next to, to appreciate her comment! |
I told this sweet bee, it bugs me when her bus is late too! |
This kid is a riot! His mom is a teacher too, can you tell? |
This is a huge issue I guess, people talking when I am! |
Wait until you see their next little writing activity, I have the best class this year!
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