Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Good to "BEE" the QUEEN!

At our school we still celebrate Halloween and all its we don't allow scary, demonic or bloody costumes, but we do welcome the storybook characters and the famous cartoon characters.
I have to say, it is REALLY nice to be in a school that still allows the children to dress up and have fun! The ENTIRE school goes out into the hallways and we all parade upstairs and downstairs so every kid in every classroom can see the glory of Halloween. I know, it's silly, some say Halloween is the Devil's holiday or that evil things happen, but for real it is just a day to dress up and pretend to be a super hero or a princess and have fun, eat tons of candy and get a little wild with our friends  My only wish is that some day they will allow Halloween to be on the last Friday of October, because WEDNESDAY Halloween is cuckoo bananas!

After being the "QUEEN BEE" all day today I am tired...but I am not just a teacher, oh no...after a long fun filled day I dressed down and went out to Trick or Treat with my favorite boy and his best friend!
Even the adults had fun! It is late and I have eaten a few of his finds, the laundry is just finishing up and tomorrow I go back to being a teacher in a second grade classroom filled with students who love coming to a school where we still believe in the magic of childhood.
Oh did I mention we have a practice 5K for GOTR at 3:30 tomorrow? Going to be a L O N G day! Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My NEXT post won't be about MATH

Another GREAT Math Activity....
I really love having interns! No not because they teach and I don't..but because I LEARN so much too... plus I enjoy watching them get it to "got it"!
Here is a fun group activity  that the kids really loved for PLACE VALUE!

This is the instruction sheet!

Hands-On MATH
Here is "Partner 1" doing their job!

Hands-On MATH
This group had a fun time trying to talk themselves out of drawing 3 dimensional Thousand cubes...

Hands-On MATH
This group really had a heated discussion BEFORE they began....their project turned out nice!

Hands-On MATH
all DONE and ready to present their number!

I am really liking how Math has come together this year. Implementing the Math Journals has really changed mine and the kids thinking about how Math relates to our lives. We even have introduced some writing into Math and the kids haven't noticed how hard they are working!

RED RIBBON WEEK starts tomorrow....we are busy with our Too Good For Drugs program plus in our classroom we are also holding a Candy Bar Election too...needless to say we are BUSY in our HIVE!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Currently...GOTR and a Trumpet!

I love doing Girls On The Run....

In fact all the running around since January made me sign up for a 5K...
I actually ran the 1st mile pretty fast....then got a little tired running around the walkers, the characters, and the lines of people getting autographs from the characters...(yes they had lines of runners getting pictures with the Big Bad Wolf, Jack Sparrow and Brear Fox all the while we ran past them in the mud!) Did I mention that little kids were 'running'. I even heard one Dad say "If you don't keep pace, and quit, we won't be going to the parks today!" Yikes...why didn't they do the Family Fun Run???
YEAH!!! I finished...I even got a medal...okay EVERYONE got a medal...but I was just coming off a Z-Pack...does that get me some love?
I said I was listening to the Big Bang Theory..I was and then guess who shows up 5 minutes after? My Sweet Boy and his......

He's just learning, but I have to admit...he's pretty dern good!

One of my ALL TIME favorite authors is Chris Van Allsberg....I love this book it is sooo a FALL favorite in our room!!!!
So that is what is currently going on in my life...if you have a good book series that I should start reading, let me know...I really need to find an interesting series to get into and not be able to put down!!!
Thanks to Farley over at.....

This is my FAVORITE Bloggy thing I do!
.........go ahead and sign up on her linky....but remember...
Farley says
"the rule of 3...
you need to please comment on the 2 links ahead of your link and then come back and comment on the link after your link...
this is a way to spread the love and visit new blogs and well it is just my RULE... and not to mention nice (and my RULE)
and it hurts feelings when you don't give the love (aka you don't follow the rule)... really it does I get the emails that say they didn't get the love :) so RULE of 3 PLEASE "